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- Cognitive Science Dictionary
- Award-winning dictionary of cognitive science terms that Dr. Michael Dawson maintains at the University of Alberta.
- Conversations with Neil's Brain
- A web book about "the neural nature of thought and learning.".
- Eliza
- Talk to Eliza and get a demonstration of artificial intelligence and nondirective psychotherapy.
- Gestalt Archive
- Site provides "Gestalt theory and Gestalt psychology articles in full text.".
- Imprinting in Precocial Birds
- Demonstration lets you manipulate the variables in this experiment about imprinting in precocial birds.
- Minds Are Simply What Brains Do
- Article discusses the perception of the discontinuity between the mind and the brain, memory and change, embodiments of the mind, freedom of will, and the uncertainty and stability of the mind.
- Motivational Factors in Routine Performance
- Site enables you to manipulate the variables in this experiment to demonstrate the motivational factors in routine performance.
- Subliminal Persuasion Laboratory Manual
- This manual provides information about subliminal persuasion and do-it-yourself experiments to help you understand the concepts presented.
- Web Vision
- Site provides information concerning many aspects of vision including the anatomy and physiology of the eye, retinal circuits, neuroactive substances in the retina, color vision, psychophysics, and the primary visual cortex.
- ePsych
- Site provides a number of unique tutorials and demonstrations that focus on various functions of the brain including sensation and perception, cognition, transmission of neural impulses, and learning.
- Language and Brain: Neurocognitive Linguistics
- Site provides a discussion about evidence for neurolinguistics, the plausibility of neurolinguistics, neural networks used in language, the learning process, the proximity principle, and the types of cortical neurons used in language learning.
- Primate Use of Language
- Site discusses studies that are currently being done which show that primates are capable of learning language.
- The Role of Language in Intelligence
- This article taken from the Darwin College Lectures discusses the role of language in thought and looks at the behaviours of animals to discern the role that language plays.
- Amnesia and Cognition Unit - University of Arizona
- Describes research activities in progress; primary concern is with memory changes due to aging and brain injury.
- Creating False Memories
- Site discusses false childhood memories, imagination inflation, impossible memories, and how false memories are formed.
- Definition of Memory and Memory Implications
- Site provides a description of memory, amnesia, implicit memory, and the accuracy of memory.
- Elizabeth F. Loftus
- This is the web site of Elizabeth F. Loftus who is a researcher interested in false memories. The page provides links to a number of articles she has written on this topic.
- Human Memory
- Presents a number of memory improvement techniques and illustrates how human memory can be measured.
- Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology
- This article is about Ebbinghaus' famous experiment about memory and learning.
- Sheep Brain Dissection: The Anatomy of Memory
- Site uses a sheep brain to show the anatomy of the parts of the brain vital to memory.
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